Blend a sunny back patio with gesso, water, child's illustrated dictionary (purchased for $1) and brushes.
Fold in a large canvas donated to you years ago from your sister. Have tuckered out pooch nearby. Just in case.
Gesso dictionary pages to canvas. Repeat with a smaller canvas on which you've painted an experiment that you're happy to cover up. Freak out about the wrinkles until you decide they are supposed to be there.
Put the canvasses out to dry.
Spoon some coffee on the smaller canvas. Just because.
Hang out and have happy visions of what you will paint on these new "dictionary" canvasses.
oooh. i can't wait to see what comes of this!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm thinking an outline type drawing on top of these of a dog running or of a parade of animals riding bicycles.
Or a drawing of this guy:
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